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(c) 1997-2000 the @stro pages

@stro objects

the archive

@stro objects - the archive

The @stro object of the week has been temporarily taken offline while we put our development time into our new website - The expected release date of is mid-July, 2000. The @stro object should return then.

Clear skies and thanks for your patience!!

Every week the @stro pages publishes an "@stro object" to various newsgroups and email lists. The basic idea is to put out small "executive summaries" about various astronomy and space related objects, equipment, launches, missions, etc. with Internet links to find more information. This is the archive of that effort. If you would like to suggest your favorite topic or object as an "@stro object of the week", and you you haven't seen it here, PLEASE submit it below!

Archives (ordered by original date of publication):

Solar Stuff:



Individual Stars:

Observatories & Telescopes:

Other Deep-Sky Phenomenon:

  • none as yet

Pending Suggestions by Our Visitors:

  • Black holes
  • Sirius (The "Dog Star")
  • Charles Messier
  • William Herschel
  • Meteors
  • Exoplanets


Other Solar System Objects:


Star Clusters:

  • none as yet


Space Missions:

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Email us with any problems or questions and thanks for sharing the @stro object!

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required field Event or object:
Any website links with info on this @stro object?
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