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@stro objects

M31 - The Andromeda Galaxy

The @stro object for the week of 11/22/1999

image of Sol in H-Alpha

image courtesy of Jason Ware

The Andromeda Galaxy. M31, or the Andromeda Galaxy, is an spiral galaxy that was once thought to be a nebula. It is in actuality our closest galactic neighbor. It is visible to the naked eye under good conditions as a small fuzzy spot close to Pegasus in the constellation Andromeda (I promise - I've seen it naked eye before). It is often studied as an example of our own Milky Way galaxy and has the same characteristics of our home galaxy. It is closely passed by M32, the smaller body of stars in the lower part of the picture. It is apparent that these two contestants recently passed by each other and this has displaced the spiral in M31 a little bit.

Current physical information for M31 (northern hemisphere):
Constellation: Andromeda
Rise: 11:50a (PST)
Set: 04:41a (PST)
Magnitude: 3.4
Phase: n/a

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