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@stro objects


The @stro object for the week of 10/25/1999

image of Jupiter

image courtesy of SEDS/HST

Jupiter. The planet Jupiter is a gas planet in our solar system. It is larger than all of the rest of the planets combined. Jupiter has been visited by many spaceprobes, and is currently orbited by the spacecraft Galileo. Among the most interesting of Jupiter's 16 known satellites are Io, which is highly volcanic and Europa, which is thought to have liquid water underneath a thick shell of ice. Jupiter is currently easily visible in the eastern sky after dark. It is the bright "star".

Current physical information for Jupiter (northern hemisphere):
Constellation: Pisces
Rise: 16:45 (PST)
Set: 05:45 (PST)
Magnitude: -2.9
Phase: 100%

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