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February 14, 2025

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webcam broadcasting February 3, 2002 This is your guess pass to check out the NASA's Goldstone Deep Space Communication Complex, located in California. Stop in for the photo album! Click on the telescope!
NEW! What is your opinion?

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Can't locate qpoll31.conf in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.28 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.28/mach /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.28) at /usr/www/users/astropg/cgi-bin/ line 19.

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discuss this... Want to discuss your choice? Go to the discussion board...

total lunar eclipse January 20, 2000 The total lunar eclipse lived up to expectations in many areas. Unfortunately it clouded out for us just before totality, but some people got great views! We've got pictures online! View them...

the observer's log January 5, 2000 Announcing a brand new feature: The "observer's log" email discussion list. Subscribe and discuss all things in astronomy and space with people from around the world. Subscribe...

discussion boards December 3, 1999 The discussion boards are open for business! Please stop by and post your questions, opinions, etc. about all things in space and astronomy (that ought to keep you busy <g>). Let the discussion begin! Discuss...

mercury transit November 24, 1999 The Mercury transit across the Sun went off as predicted on Monday, 11/15/1999. Check out photos and a complete (sort-of) observation report on this great event. Photos...

launch report October 4, 1999 A modified Minuteman launch was visible thoughout Southern California Saturday night (10/02/99) making for a spectacular view. (Updated with a map of observers' locations) More...

articles September 9, 1999 Need a great tool for mirror grinding? Learn how to make one. More...

the comet hale-bopp screensaver
a FREE comet hale-bopp screensaver for Windows 95/98/NT. Download:
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sound Hello (9k) The greeting put on to Voyager. (Real Audio)
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The hot news topics are provided by The Universe Today.

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New @stro objects of the week have been temporarily taken offline while we put our development time into our new website - Please visit the @stro objects archives.

Clear skies!

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"The Heavens Declare the Glory of God"  Psalms 19:1


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