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about Roger

about Roger

My  Celestron C4.5" Newtonian Telescope and I.

My Celestron C4.5" Newtonian Telescope.

The 20" "Tominator"

The 20" "Tominator"

Grinding on my 10" Newtonian mirror blank.

Grinding on my 10" Newtonian mirror blank.

Hi there!

Since you took the time to come visit my website, I figured I'd tell you a little about me:


I originally moved to San Diego, California courtesy of the US Marine Corps and stayed here with my then fiancée, now wife. I am currently working as a software Quality Assurance Manager for a software company that produces an environmental compliance management tool for the Internet.


I have an Associates Degree in General Education. I am attending CSU San Marcos. My ultimate education goals include finishing a Bachelor's Degree in Business with a High Technology Management emphasis and maybe an eventual Masters.


My hobbies include Kempo (martial arts), working on computers, maintaining websites, and astronomy (surprise). I am currently in the process of building a mount for the 20" "Tominator" mirror that was given to me by the family of a fallen friend, Tom O'Hara. I'm also grinding a 10" Pyrex mirror blank for use in a telescope, but that project has stalled out for a while. I also use my camera to take photos of everything from family to astrophtotos to landscapes & cityscapes.

Drop me a line

That's it for me. For other family news, check out the Herzler Family News page. If you think of something that you'd like answered, let me know. I am open to your questions or input. Thanks for visiting! For a greeting, in my own words, click here for a Real Audio welcome file (~4kb).


In case you were interested, I'm a current member of the:

Clear skies,


Here I am, coding away...

last updated: 3/14/2003

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